Download planet zoo wetlands
Download planet zoo wetlands

This pack includes the sun bear, clouded leopard, Malaysian tapir, proboscis monkey, North Sulawesi babirusa, binturong, Ussuri dhole, and giant leaf insect. Get ready to adopt seven amazing habitat animals and one exhibit creepy-crawly, all native to Southeast Asia. So grab the Southeast Asia Animal Pack now and start building your ultimate zoo. Set deep within a beautiful Malaysian paradise, it’s a perfect showcase for the pack’s incredible animal assortment.

download planet zoo wetlands

There’s also a brand new scenario to try your hand at. Containing eight amazing creatures, all with fascinating behaviours to observe and unique needs to meet, this is the most new animal additions in Planet Zoo to date.

download planet zoo wetlands

The most authentic zoo simulation expands with Planet Zoo’s Southeast Asia Animal Pack! Discover diverse and distinctive animals from a vibrant continent in the game’s first animal-focussed DLC. You will need the base game Planet Zoo to access this DLC content.About This Content DISCOVER DIVERSE AND STUNNING ANIMALS Take over some managerial duties, adopt and care for new arrivals, entertain visitors educate them about welfare, and fulfill their expectations. Test out your zoo-running skills in the world’s largest wetland, lend the struggling animal sanctuary your helping hand, and help them rescue struggling species.Every species has its own unique relationship with the marshy waters of its homeland. The capybara can relax in the new hot water tap enrichment item, catch the platypus as they are deep water diving, or watch the red-crowned crane doing its mating dance. There are also brand-new animations for your new creatures, you will love watching them make themselves at home.You must create stunning habitats for these beautiful creatures. As mentioned before there are 8 new species you can take care of the most requested ones for the series are the capybara, platypus, Asian small-clawed otter, spectacled caiman, Nile lechwe, wild water buffalo, red-crowned crane, and the double-crested newt.Planet Zoo: Wetlands Animal Pack is a DLC pack for Planet Zoo adding seven habitat species and one exhibit amphibian to the base game of Planet Zoo, the wetlands animal pack also features an all-new challenge scenario where you will head to the Brazilian Pantanal, a region encompassing the worlds largest flooded grasslands, lending your zoo management expertise to this new animal sanctuary.

Download planet zoo wetlands